Friday, 24 January 2014

10 ways to FEEL SPECIAL on Valentine’s Day!

Every year around the 14th of February I get really insecure and whingey about the fact that I don’t have boyfriend because I see all these wonderful guys doing really really lovely things that make their girlfriends feel super special – I AM SO ENVIOUS!

But this year I decided to stop complaining about how I don’t have a boyfriend and concentrate on some self-loving plus showing some appreciation to the people I love in my life! SO I came up with 10 things that any single girl can do to make themselves feel special on that dreaded Valentine’s Day!!

1.Pamper yourself!  

It could be anything!! From getting a manicure, facial, massage or simply getting a new hair cut! Anything that makes you feel better about yourself can give you a fresh outlook about life!

2.  Buy some flowers.

Yes the romantic clique of guys buying flowers for girls on Valentine’s day is great but if you’re single then buy some flowers (probably not on the day cause it’s super expensive but a few days ahead). Arrange them prettily in your room or give them to someone you love that’s really helped you out recently. You can choose your favourite flowers instead of roses!!
Flowers are amazing!

3. Write a Letter or Card for yourself.

This one is super corny but I really like doing this because it’s good to see what I thought and felt way back when! It’s always a fun thing to read! For those up for a challenge write a letter of appreciation to yourself *super corny warning*. For those who don’t have much time just write a simple card to your future self and read it next year on Valentine’s Day!
or one of these meme's will do too :P

4. Treat yourself to chocolate

It’s nothing special for a girl to buy chocolate for herself BUUUTTT this time buy REALLY good quality chocolate and really savour it when you eat it! I’m really in love with Haigh’s Truffles at the moment they’re amazing <3
These are absolutely delicious! 

5. Buy yourself a small gift.

For those with the finances go ahead and treat yourself to a branded bag or something! For those of us saving up and really poor then buy something small like a nice piece of jewellery, new nail polish, any type of new makeup! And tell yourself it’s a gift from yourself to yourself!
These are some of the things I've bought for myself over the years! 

6. Go and spend time with your close friends that are still single or close family members.
Family is a bit difficult because often they can start questioning why you don’t have a boyfriend but if you’re fortunate with really close parents then spend some time with them! Otherwise meet up with some of your single girl friends – go and spend some time catching up with them and their lives

7. Watch a funny, cute or positive movie! 

It’s a nice break from life and the tiring daily grind! I would HIGHLY recommend watching a Disney movie especially watching Frozen! Right now I’m obsessed with the songs on the movie – Let it Go <3
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Without spoiling the movie I really have to say it’s a heart warming movie that doesn’t leave you feeling like you need a boyfriend unlike some romcoms!

 8. Cook yourself a meal and really enjoy your own company!

This is for those who are up for a challenge (in other words can actually cook) – cook something that you’ve always wanted to attempt and whether or not it’s success you gave it a go! So enjoy the fruits of your labour! For certain girls who’s hopeless at cooking (like myself…I can only make dumplings) then either take yourself to eat somewhere really lovely that you’ve always wanted to try or get assistance with the cooking so that your kitchen doesn’t burn down!

My recent efforts in cooking - I can only cook dumplings :( 

9. Take a picture of yourself and say something nice about it.

This is something SO small but it can make a really big difference to how you feel about yourself. Our self-talk can be so negative sometimes especially on Valentine’s Day because it sucks not to have someone by your side but it sucks even more because you’re reminded of that every 2 minutes! So take a nice selfie and try to compliment yourself!
I like my hair in this picture :) 

10. Go to Karaoke!

This is just something I really want to do but honestly as an Asian there’s no better time to go to karaoke and sing melancholic Chinese songs! Bring on all the Jay Chou!
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Hope this gives everyone some ideas of how to spend Valentine's Day while making yourself feel special!
#foreveraloneeeeeeeee picture instead of usual selfie :P


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